July 26, 2024

XKCD Web Comic #1056: Felidae (described)

A web comic of romance,
sarcasm, math, and language.














Scene: A chart labeled “Well-known Felines:”

The Y-axis is labeled “Genuses in order of which would win in a fight” with an arrow pointing up. The X-axis is labeled “Species sorted by Coolness of Name” with an arrow pointing to the right.

The bottom name on the Y-axis is “Felis & Lynx“. The names in this row on the X-axis are “Housecat,” “Bobcat,” “Wildcat,” and “Lynx.”

The next name up the Y-axis is “Other Felidae,” with “Ocelot” and “Cheetah” along the X-axis. “Cheetah” is circled with red, with a red arrow pointing up to “Puma” on the next row up.

The next name up the Y-axis is “Puma (these are all names for puma concolor),” with “Cougar,” “Puma,” “Panther,” and “Mountain Lion” in this row along the X-axis. “Puma,” which has an arrow pointing to it from “Cheetah,” is also circled in red with an arrow pointing up to “Jaguar” in the row above. “Jaguar” is also circled in red with an arrow pointing back to “Panther” in the row below, which in turn is circled in red with an arrow pointing to “Tiger” in the row above.

The next name up the Y-axis is “Panthera,” with “Jaguar,” “Leopard,” “Snow Leopard,” “Tiger,” and “Lion” in a row along the X-axis. “Leopard” is circled in red with an arrow pointing to the name next to it, “Snow Leopard,” also circled in red and which has an arrow that jumps across “Tiger” to point at “Lion,” which is in turn circled with red and has an arrow pointing down to “Mountain Lion,” which is circled with a dashed red line. “Tiger” is also circled in red and has an arrow pointing back to “Leopard.”

Following the red arrows, the order is “Cheetah,” “Puma,” “Jaguar,” “Panther,” “Tiger,” “Leopard,” “Snow Leopard,”  “Lion,” and “Mountain Lion.”

Hover text: “Smilodon” narrowly edged out “Tyrannosaurus rex”; to win this year’s Most Badass Latin Names competition, after edging out “Dracorex hogwartsia” and “Stygimoloch spinifer” (meaning “horned dragon from the river of death”) in the semifinals.


Warning: This comic occasionally contains strong language (which may be unsuitable for children), unusual humor (which may be unsuitable for adults), and advanced mathematics (which may be unsuitable for liberal-arts majors). Comic by xkcd.com. Described by BlindGadget under the Creative Commons license.

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