July 26, 2024

XKCD Web Comic #1028: Communication (described)

A web comic of romance,
sarcasm, math, and language.












Panel One: Drawing of a stick figure in a white hat. The figure is standing at the edge of a large, deep opening, looking down. A thought bubble above the figure’s head shows an exclamation mark inside a triangle suspended over the opening.

Panel Two: The White Hat Guy is walking back along the way he came and meets a stick figure with very short hair. White Hat Guy is pointing behind himself back toward the opening. A “talk” bubble above his head shows an exclamation mark inside a triangle suspended over the opening. The short haired guy has a thought bubble with the White Hat Guy in it, pointing behind himself.

Panel Three: White Hat Guy is waving his arms and the talk bubble above his head shows the exclamation mark inside a triangle suspended over the opening. Short Haired Guy’s thought bubble shows an agitated White Hat Guy.

Panel Four: White Hat Guy is walking away from Short Haired Guy, who has his hands up in confusion. White Hat Guy’s thought bubble has Short Haired Guy in it, and Short Haired Guy’s thought bubble shows White Hat Guy walking away.

Panel Five: White Hat Guy meets Dark Haired Woman. His talk bubble has Short Haired Guy in it and hers has an exclamation mark inside a triangle suspended over an opening.

Panel Six: The Dark Haired Woman is walking the way White Hat Guy came. Her thought bubble now has White Hat Guy in it. White Hat Guy is walking the way Dark Haired Woman came and his thought bubble now has both Short Haired Guy and Dark Haired Woman.

Panel Seven: Dark Haired Woman meets Short Haired Guy. Both their thought bubbles have White Hat Guy in them.

Panel Eight: Dark Haired Woman and Short Haired Guy both have talk bubbles with the White Hat Guy in them.

Panel Nine: Dark Haired Woman and Short Haired Guy are both walking the way White Hat Guy came from. Both have talk bubbles with the White Hat Guy in them.

Panel Ten: The panel is empty except for stars and exclamation points coming from the direction the previous two stick figures were walkng.

Panel Eleven: The opening, showing just the tops of the heads of Dark Haired Woman and Short Haired Guy . Similar stars and exclamation points come from the side of the panel where White Hat Guy went.

Panel Twelve: The other opening, showing the top of White Hat Guy’s head.

Panel Thirteen: A stick figure wearing a beret is standing at the edge of a large, deep opening, looking down. A thought bubble above the figure’s head shows the large opening with an exclamation mark inside a triangle  suspended over it.

Panel Fourteen: The Beret Guy is going away.

Panel Fifteen: Beret Guy meets another stick figure and holds out his hand. A talk bubble above his head shows Beret Guy reaching out to the other stick figure. A thought bubble over the other stick figure’s head shows Beret Guy reaching out.

Panel Sixteen: Beret Guy has taken the other figure’s hand and is leading him back the way Beret Guy came. The other figure has a thought bubble with Beret Guy surrounded by question marks.

Panel Seventeen: Beret Guy is showing the large opening to the other stick figure.

Panel Eighteen: Both stick figures are walking away from the opening with thought bubbles showing the large opening with an exclamation mark inside a triangle  suspended over it.

Hover text: Anyone who says that they’re great at communicating but “people are bad at listening”; is confused about how communication works.


Warning: This comic occasionally contains strong language (which may be unsuitable for children), unusual humor (which may be unsuitable for adults), and advanced mathematics (which may be unsuitable for liberal-arts majors). Comic by xkcd.com. Described by BlindGadget under the Creative Commons license.

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