May 6, 2024

Bumps Comic #4: Jaws Magic (described)

A new web comic about Braille and Adventure featuring Slate and Dot, two university students, and Slate’s guide dog, Nemeth.


Drawing: On the left is a vertical brush stroke of blue representing Slate and on the right is a vertical brush stroke of green representing Dot. Below is a smaller, horizontal orange brush stroke representing, Nemeth.

Scene: Dot is seated at a table listening to something on her laptop with headphones. Slate is standing near the table with Nemeth at his side.

Slate: “Hey Dot, what are you doing?”

Dot: “I’m listening to the latest episode of FSF-Cast. It’s a demonstration of the new Open Door feature of Jaws.”

Slate: “What’s that?”

Dot: “I’m not sure, but I think he’s using it to get a pizza delivered instantly from Chicago to new Zealand.”

Slate: “Wow! I remember when Jaws was just a screen reader.”

Dot: “He says you can also use it to transport small children and pets.”

Slate: “Maybe I should reconsider renewing my software agreement after all.”


Bumps Comic is written and described by under the Creative Commons license.

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