April 27, 2024

XKCD Web Comic #958: Hotels (described)

A web comic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language.





Panel One: Drawing of a stick figure seated at a desk with an open laptop, turning to speak to a standing stick figure wearing a hat.

“What’s with this negative review? You liked that hotel.”

“I have a script that posts a bad review for every hotel I stay at. – It reduces demand, which means more vacancies and lower prices next time.”

Panel Two: Drawing of stick figure wearing a hat.

“What if the place sucks?”

“I change the review to positive to steer other people there.”

Panel Three: Drawing of a stick figure seated, talking to stick figure wearing a hat.

“You punish companies you like!”

“The odds of my review putting a hotel out of business are negligible.”

“If we all did that, the system would collapse!”

“Doesn’t affect my logic. Tragedy of the commons.”

Fourth Panel: Drawing of a stick figure seated, talking to stick figure wearing a hat.

“That’s not even the tragedy of the commons any more. That’s the tragedy of you’re a dick.”

“If you’re quick with a knife, you’ll find the invisible hand is made of delicious invisible meat.”

Hover text: 1/5. Room filled to brim with semen, and when front desk clerk opened mouth to talk, bedbugs poured out.


Comic by xkcd.com. Described by BlindGadget.

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