July 27, 2024

XKCD Web Comic #1094: Interview (described)

A web comic of romance,
sarcasm, math, and language.






















Black Hat Man is interviewing for a job at an interviewer’s desk
Interviewer: …but thank you for applying. We’ll keep your résumé on file.

Black Hat Man places a briefcase onto the interviewer’s desk.
Black Hat Man: Perhaps *this* could change your mind?

With a click, the Interviewer opens the briefcase.

The briefcase opens into a hole that extends below the desk. The hole looks miles deep

The view falls into the hole, then the interviewer falls, screaming, down the hole

Thump! The interviewer, with the briefcase, lands on a chair.

The positions from the original scene have switched and Black Hat Man is now interviewing.

Black Hat Man: …but thank you for applying. We’ll keep your résumé on file.

Interviewer looks confused then notices the briefcase.

Interviewer places briefcase on the desk.

Interviewer: Perhaps *this* could change your mind?

Black Hat Man opens the briefcase.

Black Hat Man looks inside.

Black Hat Man spins the briefcase around.

Black Hat Man: I’m sorry…

The briefcase contains the normal business elements of a briefcase.

Black Hat Man: …that opening has been filled

Hover text: Hey, before you go, can you explain to me what job I now have?


Warning: This comic occasionally contains strong language (which may be unsuitable for children), unusual humor (which may be unsuitable for adults), and advanced mathematics (which may be unsuitable for liberal-arts majors).

XKCD Web Comic #1093: Forget (described)

A web comic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language.

When will we forget?

Based on US Census Bureau national population projections.
Assuming we don’t remember cultural events from before age 5 or 6.
By this year: the majority of Americans will be too young to remember:
2012: The seventies
2013: The Carter presidency
2014: The Reagan shooting
2015: The Falkland Islands war
2016: Return of the Jedi release
2017: The first Apple Macintosh
2018: New Coke
2019: Challenger
2020: Chernobyl
2021: Black Monday
2022: The Reagan Presidency
2023: The Berlin Wall
2024: Hammertime
2025: The Soviet Union
2026: The LA Riots
2027: Lorena Bobbit
2028: The Forrest Gump release
2029: The Rwandan Genocide
2030: OJ Simpson’s trial
2031: Clinton’s reelection
2032: Princess Diana
2033: Clinton’s impeachment
2034: Columbine
2035: Forgot about Dre
2036: 911
2037: VH1′s I Love the 80s
2038: A time before Facebook.
2039: VH1′s I Love the 90s
2040: Hurricane Katrina
2041: The planet Pluto
2042: The first iPhone
2043: The Bush presidency
2044: Michael Jackson
2045: trying to say “Eyjafjallajökull”
2046: The Arab Spring
2047: Anything embarrassing you do today.

Hover Text: “Baby Got Back” turned 20 this year. My favorite nostalgia show is VH1′s ‘I Love The Inexorable March of Time Toward the Grave That Awaits Us All.

Warning: This comic occasionally contains strong language (which may be unsuitable for children), unusual humor (which may be unsuitable for adults), and advanced mathematics (which may be unsuitable for liberal-arts majors).